RBI Assistant Exam Prep - Reserve Bank of India App is powered by Youth4work (a leading online portal for competitive examination preparation). The prep app is a boon for all those government job seekers who are aspiring to make a career in Reserve Bank of India as a Clerk, Assistant or any other post. The app consists of online practice tests as per the syllabus of RBI recruitment exams and comprises of questions from previous year papers, sample papers and model test papers. Key Features of RBI Assistant Exam Prep - Reserve Bank of India App:1. Complete test series for Prelims and Mains for Assistant Recruitment Exam.2. Option to attempt Mock Test covering all sections or go for section / subject / topic wise test.3. Get reports reflecting your score, accuracy and speed in overall online test.4. Review all attempted questions and know your mistakes.5. Timer for each question in the online test.6. Discuss with all RBI Assistant Prelims aspirants in the forum.7. On Demand Solution for Tricky aptitude and reasoning questions that you fail to solve.Topics and syllabus covered in RBI Assistant Exam Prep - Reserve Bank of India App :-1. Computer Knowledge :- Five year plans and budget, sports, books and authors, current affairs, awards and honors & banking awareness.2. General Awareness :- Five year plans and budget, sports, books and authors, current affairs, awards and honors & banking awareness.3. Logical Reasoning :- Input and output, statement and conclusion, decision making, seating arrangements, sentence assumption, alphabet series, blood relations & coding decoding.4. Quantitative Aptitude :- Simple interest, simplification, hcf and lcm, area, compound interest, percentage, profit and loss, average, speed, distance and time & time and work.5. Verbal Ability :- Sentence and word arrangements, error recognition and correction in sentence, synonyms and antonyms, reading comprehension, fill in the blanks and English grammar.6. Data Interpretation :- Pie chart, pictorial graph and bar graph